Report on Book Presentation “Alexander and the History of the World of IOV”
Thanks to the 5-G‘span-Musi and the Hinterbrühler Stub’nmusi, for her willingness to musically frame the book presentation.
Brief Statement about the General Assembly of the International Organization of Folk Art Art – IOV and the Book Presentation “Alexander and the History of the World of IOV” in Sharjah – Arab Emirates.
This book reflects the international work of Dr. h .c. Alexander Veigl and his staff in the field of folk art and folk culture, again. It has always been a central concern of Alexander Veigl to promote folk art and folk culture and to strive for the preservation of the intangible cultural heritage. Due to Alexander’s great efforts, this UNESCO organization has today members and staff in almost every country in the world.
Following the death of Alexander Veigl in November 2007, we, Helga Gruber and I, decided to sort and document the existing records, the history of the IOV, and the 25-year international work done by Alexander Veigl and his staff, does not get lost.
We have undertaken this work to make the life work “Xandl’s” a worthy monument to his vision of a world connected by folk culture.
DI. Johann Zeiner, Mayor of Maria Enzersdorf, particularly welcomes:
Mrs. LR. a.D. Traude Votruba, Mr. LAbg. and Mayor a.D President of Gemeindeverbandes Franz Rupp, Mr. Ing. Fred Helmuth Brandstätter with his wife Herta an our friends from Hungary Dr. Peter Marko, commissioned for the IOV Eastern Europe with his wife Livia, the companions of Alexander, Univ. Prof. Dr. Oskar and Dr. Alice Elschek from Slovakia, the Vice President of the IOV Prof. Mag. Hans-Joachim Holz, the representative of the Cultural Region of Lower Austria Dr. Edgar Niemeczek, the initiators of the “nternational Children’s Folk Dance Festival” in Klagenfurt, Helmut and Günther Palko from Carinthia with their wives. He especially emphasizes his attachment to Alexander, through many years, which lasted until the death of Dr. h.c. Alexander Veigl.
Vice President of the IOV, Prof. Mag. Hans – Joachim Holz brings the greetings of the President of the “International Organization of Folk Art – IOV” Dr. Ali Abdulla Khalifa from Bahrain.
Prof. Mag. Hans Holz also sends his thanks to Helga Gruber and Anna Veigl-Hof for the book-based history of the IOV.
Dr. Edgar Niemeczek, representative of the cultural region of Lower Austria gives in his speech, a brief overview of the extensive international work of Alexander Veigl. Dr. Edgar Niemeczek was a longtime companion of “Xandl”, not only connected by a common office, but by spending many hours working together for the Folk Culture Lower Austria as well as for the whole of Austria and for the IOV.
Anna Veigl-Hof expresses the thanks to all present, in particular to Helga Gruber which mad a great contribution to the creation of this book.