Our organization sponsors multi-national conferences, workshops, seminars and other events designed to inform IOV members and the public about our work to safeguard the Intangible Cultural Heritage.
In a typical year, IOV conferences are organized in 8-10 regions of the world.
In addition, national selections meet once a year to elect officers.
1st IOV World Congress on Folk Culture
Gorizia (Italy)
1. The contribution of folk culture to peace and understanding among people.
2. The present state of culture and art in all countries of the world and their prospects until the year 2000. There was also a discussion on “The programme of the IOV Commission for Science in view of the World Decade for Cultural Development.”
2nd World Congress on Folk Culture
Mödling (Austria)
1. Contemporary threats to folklore and the future of folk culture, Tolerance and folk art and Folk culture and nationalism, fascism, colonialism and peace.
3rd World Congress on Folk Culture
Andong (South Korea)
1. The culture of peace on the way into the 3rd millennium, a contribution to the future with humanitarianism, friendship and peace.
2. The culture of peace for all indigenous peoples and all forgotten peoples of the world.
3. Dance, songs, music, arts and crafts as contributions to the culture of peace for everyone in this world, irrespective of race, language, gender or religion.
4. Economy and cultural activities – incompatible opposites or harmoniously complementing one another, their contribution to the culture of peace.
5. Cultural diversity – cultural uniformity: their contribution to the culture of peace.
6. Folk culture and folklore – have they always been partners for the culture of peace and non-violence?
7. Cultural tourism and folk culture – are they opposites or can they be partners on the common way to the culture of peace?
8. A vivid and active folk culture is a clear manifest against the culture of violence and war, for the culture of non-violence, tolerance and peace for all peoples of the world.
9. The culture of peace and non-violence for women and children in all countries of the world.
10. Each individual is obliged to take an active part in the process of equality which is expected to meet the present and future generations’ requirements regarding development and environment.
11. Articles, reports and results of national and international projects within 2000 – International year for the culture of peace and 2001 to 2010 – International decades for the culture of peace and non-violence for all children of the world, already carried out or still at the planning stage.
4th IOV World Congress on Folk Culture and General Assembly
Athens and Volos (Greece)
The subject was: Cultural dialogue in the context of globalization
1. Cultural bodies, activities and maintenance of cultural identity within globalization processes.
2. Functions of art, impacts of globalization.
3. The transition from the rural into the urban environment and its effects on traditional culture.
4. Cultural change and maintenance of traditional values.
5. Cultural values within the globalization and integration processes.
6. Educational and pedagogical values of traditional culture.
5th IOV World Congress on Folk Culture in conjunction with the 7th International Festival of Traditional Music “Sounds of Eurasia”
Ulan Ude (Buryatia, The Russian Federation)
Its subject was: Musical creativity as a factor in the development of intercultural dialogue.
6th IOV World Congress on Folk Culture
Sharjah International Scientific Conference
“Folk Culture: The Present and Future Pathways”
Sharjah, United Arab Emirates, 2019 April 01-04
The conference topics were: the dimensions of the relationship between folk culture and the effects of modern life. How can this form of culture stay relevant in the minds of people, regardless of the new methods of communication, the technological revolution and many other challenges? What will be left of folk culture and what will change? Furthermore, how will this look like in everyday life? And what e-ect will these changes have on creative pursuits (literature, theatre, cinema, video games, etc…).