IOV is a membership organization open to organizations and individuals regardless of race, color, creed, gender, sexual orientation, physical impairment, national or ethnic origin, or age. Upon submission of a membership application and the first year’s fees, provisional membership is granted. Full membership is conferred following the annual meeting of the board of directors, after which members will receive a membership card and certificate. Members of IOV are automatically enrolled as members of their IOV National Sections.
Member Benefits
All members of IOV receive:
• Access to information on the IOV website
• The possibility of serving as a consultant to UNESCO and other international cultural bodies and commissions
• A membership directory online, festivals and meeting exchange, one web page for every folk group, updated annually
• Opportunities to attend and participate in national conferences, the annual IOV National Section Meeting and international events, festivals and conferences either free of charge or at substantially reduced rates
• Access to an online, member blog where members may publish research, post questions and comments and interact with other IOV members around the globe
• A membership card and certificate
• Possibilities to publish research and scholarly papers
• Reduced rates on IOV and some UNESCO publications.
In addition, your confirmed membership makes you part of a worldwide network of more than 3000 members in over 150 countries. You will have:
• Contact with people and organizations with common interests and professional pursuits, thus providing opportunities for exchanges of information;
• Increased access to resources and expertise as a member of an international NGO in official relations with UNESCO
• Opportunities to participate in IOV and UNESCO conferences and other event where IOV members and colleagues present their work
• Access to the IOV web site where information about IOV activities and events are posted
We welcome the people of all nations to join our work.
Member Fees
Please note that membership is not complete unless payment is made.
Individual members: US$25 or 20 € per year
Small folk art groups, instrumental or vocal ensembles with 8 members or less: US$50 / 40€ per year
Folk art groups with more than 8 members, organizations, associations, clubs, dance groups: US$130 / 100€ per year
International Festivals, exhibitions institutes, museums, universities and similar institutions and national authorities (ministries, public institutions): US$180 / 150€ per year
Senators: US$300 per year
Deluxe Membership Certificate (29.7 cm x 21 cm): Add $30
Residents of a country with a Gross National Product (GNP) lower then 1000 have a discount of 75%
Residents of a country with a Gross National Product (GNP) between 1000 and 15000 have a discount of 50%
Students (with legal Student-card) have a discount of 50%
Youth members till the age of 35 have a discount of 50%
National Sections who collect the fees of the members in their country within the norms contribute 50% of these revenues to the General Treasurer.