9 November 2022

Report of the 2nd IOV America Assembly

News from IOV world

On the 12th of October, the IOV Brasil entourage, made up of the following members of the IOV Brasil Board of Directors- Antonio Clerton Vieira da Silva (President of IOV Brasil and Executive Secretary of IOV America), Lairton Guedes (Vice President of IOV Brasil), professor Lilian Vogel (chairman of the IOV Brasil Pedagogical Academic Committee), Anderson Freitas (chairman of IOV World Youth), Fernanda Colli (chairman of IOV Youth Brazil), Luziana Amaral Jukoski (chairman of the festivals and practices committee of IOV Brasil), Nazaré do Ó Ribeiro (President of the Commission of Immortal Masters of IOV Brazil), members of IOV Brazil- Aldemir Maciel (IOV Acre), Antonio Fábio Mendes Lessa (Ceará), Flávio Luiz Pileggi (IOV São Paulo), Ivo Benfatto (IOV Rio Grande do Sul), Márcia Goreti do Ó Ribeiro (IOV Pará), Maria Helena Astolfo Benfato (IOV RIO Grande do Sul), Mônica Giselle do Ó Ribeiro (IOV Pará), Paula Simon (IOV Rio Grande do Sul), Rosa Carolina dos Santos Pires (IOV Brasília/DF), Ronilson da Silva Costa (IOV Pará), Talita Maciel (IOV Acre), Verônica Inaciola Costa Faria da Cruz (IOV Rio de Janeiro), Wellington Veras de Souza (IOV Amazonas), and the presidents, IOV World board and members: (Fabrizio Cattaneo – IOV World Secretary General), Ana Isabel Pradenas (IOV Chile), Anna Brozoska (IOV Europe), Arman Ghukasyan (IOV Armenia), Barbara Thompson (IOV Argentina), Délia Ascencia Picadura (IOV Argentina), Graciela Pons (IOV Argentina), Julio Cesar Mariangel Toledo (IOV Chile ) Nestor Ariel Barreda (IOV Argentina), Patricia Janette Orozco Guerrero (IOV Mexico), Valentin Notta Corsaline (IOV Argentina), Wieslaw Jan Krajka (IOV Poland), met for the II Americas Assembly, held in the city of Ijuí-Rio Grande do Sul, during the Exhibition-International Festival of Ethnicities – Expofest Ijuí 2022. The theme of the Assembly was: “Ethnic diversity: Protagonism of future generations”.

After the reception at the Salgado Filho Airport in Porto Alegre by UETI/EXPOFEST IJUÍ, represented by Professor Dr. Adelar Francisco Baggio and Professor Eduardo Beckmann, the delegation left for Ijuí and at 8 pm after arrival and accommodation, they were welcomed by the Polish ethnic group, with the offer of a typical dinner.

On October 13, at 8:30 am, the delegation went to the Cultural Headquarters of UETI – União das Etnias de Ijuí and, at 9 am, participated in the Official Reception of Directors, Intellectuals and Artists participating in the II Assembly of the Americas, by the municipal leaders and the Ijuí community.

At the ceremony after the virtual presentation of the video by Dr. Ali Abdullah Khalifa, President of IOV World, made statements: President of UETI and Expofest Ijuí, Mr. Nelson Casarin, Executive of IOV America and President of IOV Brazil Antonio Clerton Vieira da Silva, Secretary General of IOV World, Mr. Fabrízio Cattaneo, on which he delivered the Motion of Recognition that registers the granting of the title “Ijuí – World Capital of Ethnicities” to Mr. Andrei Cossetin Sczmanski, municipal mayor of Ijuí, who, using the word, thanked the Recognition and the title granted. At 11:30 am, the delegation went to the Wanderley Agostinho Burman Exhibition Park, where they were received by the Italian house that offered a typical lunch to the entire delegation. At 1:00 pm, the IOV delegation traveled to the municipality of São Miguel das Missões with the objective of holding the event on Material Cultural Heritage represented by the Ruins of the Jesuit Site of São Miguel Arcanjo by the Cathedral of São Miguel. After the reception of the IOV entourage by Mayor José Roberto and members of the executive and legislative powers of the municipality, there was an explanation of the first panel “Material Cultural Heritage focusing on the Jesuit Missions of Santo Arcanjo de São Miguel, Cultural and Natural Heritage declared by UNESCO, and Ruins of São Miguel” followed by a walk around the site with professional guides. There was a presentation by the Tupi Guarani tribe, from the “TekoáKo’ënjú” Indigenous Village, a people originally from the region. At 7:00 p.m., the municipality of São Miguel hosted a “campeiro coffee” dinner at the Tenondé Park Hotel, with a typical menu from the gaucho campaign, followed by the show Som e Luz at the Ruinas de São Miguel site, with an English version, and later in Portuguese, with the delegation returning at 10 pm to the city of Ijuí.

On October 14 at 8:30 am, the delegation went again to the Wanderley Agostinho Burmann Exhibition Park, where the II IOV Assembly began by the IOV America board, using the technique of simultaneous translation of English, Spanish and Portuguese. At 9:30 am, after the virtual presentation of the video by Dr. Ali Abdullah Khalifa, President of IOV World, Secretary General of IOV World Fabrizio Cattaneo introduced the second panel: “Ethnic Diversity”. At 12:00 the delegation was received by the Dutch ethnic house with a typical lunch and at 13:00 there was the Planting of the Symbol Tree of Ijuí in the Expofest Park. At 2:30 pm, the 2nd plenary session began, with an explanation by the director of Science and Research of IOV Europe Anna Brzozowska Krajka with the theme “The importance, priorities, partnerships and academic and scientific perspectives of IOV Europe”. On the occasion, a summary of the text “Popular Culture as a Platform and Communication Bridge” prepared by Dr. Mohamed Nouiri, President of the Science and Research Commission of the IOV World, and copies of the complete document were later distributed in English and Portuguese. .The 3rd panel “Report of Successful Experiences in the Diversity of Cultural Expressions and Intangible Cultural Heritage, with the explanation of the challenges of continuity and sustainability for future generations with brief communications on Experiences related to the theme. Contributed to the theme: Adelar Francisco Baggio, former Rector of UNIJUI and Articulator of the Ethnic Movement of Ijuí and Mercosur, Antonio Fábio Mendes Lessa, Ana Isabel Pradenas, Graciela Pons, Valentim Notta Corsaline, Fernanda Colli, Anderson Freitas. After the reports, the young participants of the Assembly started debates on their contributions to the Charter of Ijuí, with the proposal on the IOV we have and the IOV we want. At 21:00 the entourage was received by the traditional gaucho house with typical dances and food.

On October 15th at 8:30 am, the delegation returned to the park starting the panel “The IOV we have, the IOV we want”, with a brief explanation by the secretary general of the world IOV Fabrizio Cattaneo about the current IOV and its characterization. Then, the president of IOV Brazil and director of IOV America Clerton Vieira explained the characterization of the IOV, followed by the presentation of each president present in the IOV entourage. Then, the commission responsible for writing the final document of the Assembly was created, composed by Prof. Antonio Cretom Vieira, Prof. Ivo Benfatto, Prof. Paula Simon Robeiro, Prof. Lilian Vogel, Mestre Nazaré d’Ó and Fernanda Colin. The work was interrupted for lunch and the delegation was received by the Austrian Culture House with a typical lunch. At 4:00 pm, the plenary work continued, with the reading of the final document of the Assembly, being read to the plenary session the Letter from Ijuí, which will serve as a subsidy for the IOV World Conference that will take place in November. At 5:00 pm, with the agenda concluded, the II Assembly was closed by its convener, Antônio Clerton Vieira, in which he thanked UETI (União das Etnias de Ijuí), UNIJUI – Regional University of the Northwest of the State of Rio Grande do Sul, to the organization of EXPOFEST IJUÍ 2022 – Exhibition International Fair of Ethnicities), to the City Hall of Ijuí, to the local authorities and to the hospitable people of “Ijuí – World Capital of Ethnicities”.

At 20:00, the African Culture House received the entourage for a typical dinner. Members of the IOV entourage performed at the Ethnic Stage, located in the Exhibition Park, at 10:00 pm. After the presentations, the delegation went to the hotel to organize and return to Porto Alegre airport, which took place at 1 am on 10/16.

It was a positive meeting that brought together experiences and diversity not only for the young people present who concluded by the need to favor the feeling of identity belonging and the protagonism of young people, but also experiences shared by all the members of the delegation present at the Assembly. The positions of the IOV of the Americas were forwarded to the Letter of Ijuí, the Assembly’s final document, in the following terms:

During the Assembly, the host city was granted the title of “Ijuí-World Capital of Ethnicities”, because the city has, among its citizens, in an organized and active way, the representation of thirteen ethnicities that make up its people, fully organized and able to for the promotion, conservation and living of their traditions and folklore, passing them on from generation to generation.

Given the theme proposed for this Assembly, the Brazil Section informs that the Academic and Pedagogical Commission and the Youth Commission are part of it. The Academic and Pedagogical Commission aims to promote the study, publication of scientific studies, the holding of courses, lectures and workshops on related subjects for its members and the community in general. In partnership with UNIJUÍ – Regional University of the Northwest of the State of Rio Grande do Sul, with more than 60 years dedicated to training, undergraduate and graduate courses, having started, this year, the Postgraduate Course in Folklore and Popular Arts, aiming at the expansion of the cultural movement proposed by the IOV, the study, the scientific research for the formation of new specialists in the science of folklore.

The young members of the Youth Commission of the IOV of the Americas, present at the Assembly, reinforce the need to create opportunities that lead to the strengthening of their sense of belonging in relation to the common cultural identity inherited from their ancestors.

The plenary of the II Assembly proposed the following goals to be achieved in the next two years and until the next Assembly:Formation of new national sections;

  1. Promotion and actions aimed at preserving nature and indigenous peoples;
  2. Fostering folklore groups so that they always drink at the source of groups, peoples, terreiros, traditional and immigrant communities, praising the knowledge of the masters.
  3. Fostering the creation of new IOV sections in countries in the Americas.
  4. Fostering the creation of a Youth Commission at IOV sessions in the countries of the Americas.


Ijuí, RS, October 16, 2022

Antônio Clerton Vieira
Executive President of IOV of the Americas

Lilian Vogel
Secretary of the Assembly

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IOV is a membership organization open to organizations and individuals regardless of race, color, creed, gender, sexual orientation, physical impairment, national or ethnic origin, or age. Upon submission of a membership application and the first year’s fees, provisional membership is granted.

Full membership is conferred following the annual meeting of the board of directors, after which members will receive a membership card and certificate. Members of IOV are automatically enrolled as members of their IOV National Sections. 

All members of IOV have a right to:

• Access information on the IOV website iov.world

• Serve as a consultant to UNESCO and other international cultural bodies and commissions.

• A membership directory, updated annually.

• Opportunities to attend and participate in national conferences, the annual IOV National Sections Meeting, international events, festivals and conferences either free of charge or at a substantially reduced cost.

• A membership certificate.

• Access new avenues that may help them publish research and scholarly papers by web site or book.

• Reduced rates on IOV and some UNESCO publications.

In addition, your confirmed membership makes you part of a worldwide network of more members in many countries.

You will also have:

• Contact with people and organizations with common interests and professional pursuits, thus providing opportunities for exchanges of information.

• Increased access to resources and expertise as a member of an international NGO in official relations with UNESCO and  ECOSOC.

• Opportunities to participate in IOV and UNESCO conferences and other events where IOV members and colleagues present their work

• Access to the IOV web site where information about IOV activities and events are posted.

• Assistance in realizing participation in a chain of more festivals for groups from other continents.

• Promoting the festivals in the WEB-festival calendar of IOV.

• Recommendation of Folk Art groups to Festival organizers.

• Assistance for festival organizers to find ‘last-minute groups’ in case of a canceling.

• Promoting the Folk Art Groups with their specific National Folk Art programs at our WEB-site.

• Possibility for publishing articles about ICH at the WEB-site.

• Possibility for introducing intangible heritage activities at the WEB-site.

• Possibility for sharing information of National Sections on our WEB-site.

We welcome the people of all nations to join our work.

Chair of National Section
Membership fees should be paid in local currency to the Chair of your National Section. Where no national section exists, fees should be paid directly to the Treasurer. See options 2, 3,or 4.

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You can pay for your membership fees via Paypal. The safer, easier way to pay online!

(This payment is called ‘Donate’ but it’s a normal way of payment. We cannot change the title of this button.)  

Or transfer your membership fee to PayPal at the email address: treasureriov@gmail.com

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Use UNICREDIT only if you pay in Euro’s  €

IBAN:  IT 54 A 02008 11108 000104157045
For payment online with credit cards or debit cards by Vivawallet
– use the following link: https://pay.vivawallet.com/fabriziofiore88
– to confirm your payment, please send an email to info@iov.world with 
1. attached copy of the bill to info@iov.world
2. your personal details: nationality, name, surname, address

To renew your membership please contact your country National Section Chair. 

If in your country there is no National Section, please complete the section at the bottom of this page and fill the form with your personal data. 
Please do not forget to specify it is a renewal (and not a first registration) and your membership ID number. 


Discover all our profile


We encourage young people up to 35 years of age to actively participate in research, protection and conservation of popular culture and heritage. Students (with legal Student-card) have a discount of 50% Youth members till the age of 35 have a discount of 50%

Individual Member

Folklorist, teacher, scientist, researcher, lover of culture and popular heritage, every single individual who wishes to support the organization with his own personal financial contribution.


IOV Senators are people with a special sensitivity to the research, protection and conservation of popular culture and heritage, and by participating with their financial support they will have particular privileges and honors of philanthropy.

Small Group

Small folk art groups, instrumental or vocal ensembles with 8 members or less

Larger Group

Folk art groups with more than 8 members, organizations, associations, clubs, dance groups


Craftsmen, artists, traditional crafts, cooks of ancient flavors, ethnic crafts, players of ancient traditional games, experts in traditional games, lovers of battles and historical reenactments, sorcerers and experts in empirical medicine and medicinal herbs, actively participate in the research, protection and conservation of culture and popular heritage.


International Festivals, exhibitions institutes, museums, universities and similar institutions and national authorities (ministries, public institutions)

New membership request
In case you want to registrate as a new member of IOV you can follow the next procedure.

If you want to become a member of IOV, click here and you will you see a registration form which you must fill out and at the end click on SUBMIT.
Our office will complete your registration and as soon as we have received your payment of the fees, you will receive a welcome letter, a membership ID, and the official certificate of membership. This gives you entrance to all IOV activities.

In case there is a National section of IOV in your country, please contact them.
You can find the contact-information of National sections at the following page: www.iov.world/organizational-charter/regions-and-national-section/
You are invited to introduce yourself to the National Section of your country and from there you will be guided in the procedure for official registration and payment of fees.

In case there is NO National Section in your country or if you want to have a direct registration as a new member, we offer also the possibility for registration by using the Registration form on this website.

Calculation of your membership fees will be done on base of the GDP table and this means that for a great number of countries there is a high discount.


Would you like to know the value of your subscription fee?
First of all, you have to choose the type of subscription and the country you are from in the selection below.
Then press continue and you will see the amount calculated for you.

Let’s start

Residents of a country with a Gross National Product (GNP) lower then 1000 have a discount of 75%
Residents of a country with a Gross National Product (GNP) between 1000 and 15000 have a discount of 50%
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Report a festival


Your report will be supervised by the secretariat which will decide whether to include it among the selected festival
Your report will be supervised by the secretariat which will decide whether to include it among the selected festival
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We welcome the people of all nations to join our mission


Small group


Small folk art groups, instrumental or vocal ensembles with 8 members or less

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Not for individual membership
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    Minimum requirements festival

    Festivals and groups must communicate promptly and professionally.
    Exchanging of all necessary information is the base for a professional organization.

    If possible, an application form should be used by the groups.
    Festival organizers offer such form after a request by groups or have it on the website of the festival.
    The application form has to be clear and must provide all the necessary information about the festival to interested groups.
    Festival organizers must be given a good view of the complete genre of performances by the use of video-information (YouTube-links), pictures, and a list of festivals where they recently have performed.

    * The kind of accommodations (e.g. hostel, hotel, school or host-family), meals, number of performances, duration of the performances, venues, technical abilities of venues.
    * The exact date of arrival for groups and the exact date of departure of the groups.
    * Exact information about the traveling situation during the festival dates. (pick-up from the airport and the return to the airport). The use of transport during the festival days.
    * The possibility of using recorded music during performances. (Yes or No).
    * The offer of pocket-money or other cost-compensations. (Yes or No)
    * The general program of the festival, including the spending of free time and sight-seeing.

    In IOV-festivals normally it’s not usual to ask for money to invited groups.
    In case the groups have to pay for participation, this has to be clarified by the festival organizers from the beginning of communications.

    * The composition of the group. (e.g. average ages of the participants, number of dancers (male/female), musicians, leaders, choreographer(s), translators, drivers).
    * The musical instruments that are used and the need for amplification.
    * The need to ask for VISA for traveling to the country of the festival. (Visa expenses are always in charge of the group).
    * Medical insurance for all group members must be taken out by the group.
    * Information about eventually other festivals where they are going to participate during the same tour.

    * The festival organizer has to communicate clearly about invitations to groups.
    * Selected groups will receive an official invitation for the announced festival. The invitation to groups will be sent at least 120 days before the start of the festival.
    * In unforeseen situations and necessary postponing of a festival it’s necessary to communicate clearly between organizers and groups.
    * The festival organizer will send to the invited groups a clear overview of the preliminary program of the complete festival.
    * The festival organizer has to explain the exact location and expected time of arrival.
    * After the first arrival of groups at the festival location, the organizer will explain to the members of the group about the rules during the festival.
    * The staff of the festival and representatives will be introduced to the group (e.g. guides, translators).
    * A schedule of the performances, locations, and duration will be given to the group leader.
    * The definitive program of the festival will be explained to the members of the group.
    * Information about the availability of first aid will be given to all members.
    * Information about time and locations for rehearsals will be given to the group leader.
    * Information about the use of dressing-rooms, maintenance of costumes, make-up for artists will be given to the group leader.
    * dimensions and surface of stages and technical equipment as amplification, lightning, stage monitors, dress-changes, stage attributes (chairs for musicians, etc.).

    In general, these must be clean, comfortable, quiet, safe, and secure.
    * Accommodations may be hotel, dormitory, school, hostel, or private home.
    * Pictures to be sent by the festival to the group if requested.
    * Bathroom with shower should be provided commensurate with the number of persons to be served.
    * locked sleeping rooms, and cleaned daily.
    * Hot and cold running water.
    * Drinking water provided.
    * Mirror for make-up/shaving.
    * Sufficient electrical outlets.
    * Comfortable beds with sufficient bedding and pillow.
    * Sufficient space for suitcases, hanging clothing, and costumes.
    * Seasonal heat/air-conditioning/ventilation.
    * On-site assistant or guide.
    * Area for socializing outside sleeping quarters

    * The guests should not have to purchase their food.
    * Meals must be provided (3 per day).
    * Food must be sufficient, nourishing, and tasty.
    * Enough drinking water at all accommodations. (including venues of performances)

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    We welcome the people of all nations to join our mission


    Small group


    Small folk art groups, instrumental or vocal ensembles with 8 members or less

    We thank you for your support!

    You have sent your request to the secretariat.

    Please note that membership is not complete unless payment is made.

    How to pay?

    Choose from one of the payment methods to complete the registration

    Membership fees should be paid in local currency to the Chair of your National Section. Where no national section exists, fees should be paid directly to the Treasurer. See options 2, 3,or 4.

    You can pay for your membership fees via Paypal. The safer, easier way to pay online!

    Or transfer your membership fee to PayPal at the email address: treasureriov@gmail.com

    Use UNICREDIT only if you pay in Euro’s  €
    Name of bank : UNICREDIT ITALY
    IBAN:  IT 54 A 02008 11108 000104157045
    bic SWIFT : UNCRITM1H51

    for payment online with credit cards or debit cards by vivawallet at the following link: https://pay.vivawallet.com/fabriziofiore88

    to confirm your payment send Email with attached copy of bill to: info@iov.world
    specifying your personal details: nationality, Name. Surname, Address

    Send the receipt of the transaction to this mailbox

    When all the checks have been successful, you will receive an email at the registration address to complete the registration and set the password.

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    We welcome the people of all nations to join our mission




    Students, with legal Student-card, have a discount of 50%

    Your country has a National Section of IOV.

    National Sections who collect the fees of the members in their country within the norms contribute 50% of these revenues to the General Treasurer.

    Complete registration on the site of your national section.