On behalf of the IOV Board, we would like to extend to the members and friends of IOV throughout the world a message of peace.
we are facing a great challenge for humanity, this pandemic is like a curse, there are many, too many deaths in every country, in every village each of us with our own religious beliefs will pray to unite all the religions and languages of the world in a single prayer.
There are varied ways of celebrating important occasions in different cultures and we raise our hands as a sign of respect for these traditions.
For the people of the Christian religion these days the Birth of Christ are celebrated, the Holy Christmas, and to all their believers and their families I extend my deep wishes so that it can be a rebirth for a new world, without a pandemic.
As the year 2020 comes to a close we recall once more with gratitude the work and cooperation of the many members of IOV who have done wonderfully in promoting the objectives of our organization for the safeguarding of the intangible cultural heritage.
IOV WORLD is a big family, inside which there are us, you and the others, all together in this world that I like to define “WE”. I am sure that this damage will pass and we will return in the research for cultural heritage, in the exhibition of songs, dances, music, poetry, art in all its forms. We will return to meet us in meetings and symposia, we will return to participate in folk festivals, we will return and it will be better
than it was and I am sure of it.
We’ll be back…
May the IOV be an instrument of peace by bringing together peoples of the world in harmony regardless of politicial and religious influences through the promotion of traditional culture.
Merry Christmas to all and a Happy New Year
Fabrizio Cattaneo
IOV World Secretary General
Click here to read or download the PDF of the Christmas Wish.